Now that I have your attention...(ok, so not all guys are shallow). I've noticed something lately. Most of my followers, and almost all of my recent ones, are women. Not that that's a bad thing at all, or even unexpected. I mean, I am one. But for publicity's and also just curiosity's sake, I was wondering, what do the guys out there look for in the blogs and books they read?
There are the generalities and summarized statistics: guys read mostly action/thriller/comic books, and girls read much more anyway. But I don't like generalities, and I want to know what's really behind the statistics.
So here are my questions: Why is it that girls read more? And are there just more girls than guys who read author blogs? What's the best way to reach the guys who do read author blogs, and are the topics they're interested in so different than the ones interesting to the girls? And what about books. Who are the guys that read stuff like adult mainstream/literary fiction or YA? And how do you reach that (even if it's small) segment of the population?
Anyway, there you have it. Like I said, because of what I write, because girls read more anyway, and because I myself am of the female persuasion, I expect and and am totally happy with the majority of my readership being women. That's awesome. I'm just musing, just wondering if I can find more ways to expand, learn something new. Let me know if you (meaning guys or girls who know any guys) have any insights or ideas, yeah?
And just to keep things from the shallow generalities level, I'm aware everyone is different and unique and has totally different taste. Mine is somewhere between
(Ok so they're both married. Don't judge me. And don't ask me what it is they actually have in common, besides me thinking they're awesome.)
I'm saying this so you guys out there know two things: 1) Like I said, I know you're all different and have your own unique taste (in books and women. Or...not.) That's why I'm asking for your input. And 2) We women aren't all shallow, either, and being nerdy, sweet, and smart is much more meaningfully attractive than pecs like Eric Bana. Trust me.
Anyway, happy writing! Girls and guys.
Sarah Allen