Being Patient With Yourself is Hard

I don't know about you, but as much as I love my WIP, I'm ready for it to be done. It feels like I've been working on it for a long time, which I have, and I still have more than half to go. It's still coming, better than I thought it would be at this point, actually, and it still excites me. But part of me feels almost upset with the rest of me that I have yet to complete a novel. Granted I am only 22, which I keep being reminded isn't that old, but it will still feel so utterly fantastic to be done.

But the key is to just keep writing, right? And as impatient as I am, I love what I'm doing. I love the writing process, and I'll be excited to go back and start editing. I love the marketing and networking that is becoming more and more a part of being a writer. I love reading and learning and observing, and writing everything down in the notebook I always have in my ptrse. It's fulfilling and fun. Still. Having a finished novel will make me feel like all of it is beginning to pay off.

Do you ever feel impatient with yourself and your projects? I'm sure I'm not the only one. I think the hard thing is wanting leaps and bounds of progress, when those leaps and bounds come from the work and little bits of progress that happen every day. Just remembering that, reminding myself that every word counts, helps. What do you do to help yourself be patient with the day to day growth?

Sarah Allen