Lake Sentani - Jayapura

For those of you who very like going to the lake, it's time you tried to come to Lake Sentani.
Lake Sentani has an area of approximately 9.360 hectares and located at an altitude of 75 meters above sea level, Sentani lake is one of the largest lake in the city of Jayapura - Papua, Indonesia. The lake is divisible into three main sectors with maximum recorded depths of 7 to 52 m . Average annual rainfall around the lake is about 2 m (FAO, 1972) and lake level fluctuates about 0.4 m with seasonal variation in inflow (Howard, 1987). The lake is widely believed to have evolved by the tectonic damming and uplift of an arm of the sea, but such a connection has not been demonstrated.

Tourists who visit this lake to see the vast expanse of water and very clear with the islands that make up the composition of a green hill in the middle of the lake.

From a certain height, the hills look like the back of a crocodile who was sunbathing. Lake Sentani has a rich biota of the lake is very abundant in this lake can be found in various types of plants and animals endemic to Papua typical.

On a survey conducted by (Renyaan, 1993) recorded 33 species of fish, of which 12 are indigenous, 8 anadromous and 13 introduced. Surveys over a 1 year period have shown an increase in introduced species but the impact on the total fish population has not been documented. Sawfish (Pristis microdon) up to 3 m or more were well known in the lake until the Seventies and are a common motif in traditional Sentani art, but appear to have become extinct. source:

While along the side of the lake and in the middle of the lake there are township residents are generally shaped house on stilts, to connect between the houses on stilts and mainland communities build bridges of wood, while its citizens use the boat as a means of transportation, for the visitors, of course, this is a very giving mood a unique and natural.

In this lake there is also a saw shark (Pristis Microdon), namely a shark with a saw-like teeth, the shark is also known as Sentani shark, because there is only at this location, to see the diversity of the fish are tourists can do diving , and other activities visitors can do at this lake is swimming, boating, water skiing.